Colors, The deeper Meaning

Is There Power in Colors?


Can colors  influence our energy?

But of course 

What is the meaning behind the colors we choose?

Each Color has a different meaning

Let's talk about it!

In this Blog I'm going to explain The influence, the meaning, and the power in the colors we choose I mean you can never learn too much right ?

Creations buyus

Hold up! Could it be true?

Creations buyus

Are colors more than just beautiful visuals?

If you were thinking, "Yes, colors affect your energy,"

then you guessed correctly, my friend.

Colors are energy!

They do impact on our mood as well as our vibration.

Colors can brighten up a dull day;

They're flirty, fun, loud, and soft.

creations buyus, colors

Did you know that colors  can be persuasive?

Yep, They sure can See, I Bet you didn't know 

Big corporations are fully aware of the power and energy in colors.

They use color psychology to attract customers and clients all the time.

The most popular color for this is red because of its power to grab and hold attention.

Red is also associated with the powerful planet Mars, but that’s a topic for another blog LOL!

Anyhow, Certain colors are used to target specific audiences!

I'm no genius but I'm sure they're not Big Corporations Just because; If they use it, it must work.

We know a lot of research was involved, otherwise it's a waste of money and time two things a Big Corp just Isn't willing to waste 

Creations buyus colors behaviors

color therapy

 how colors can influence us 

 and tell us about our behaviors

Psychologists, counselors, energy healers, and astrologists like myself can learn a lot about a person based on their color preferences—traits, personality, qualities, behaviors, likes, dislikes, reactions, and more.

This is called color therapy.

You can visit and click on “Free Horoscope” to take the “Color Horoscope” assessment.

It's mind-blowing! I took it myself and it was 100% accurate, 

also found an interesting blog on Color Astrology if you're curious. Check it out here:

Color Astrology Is a Simple Way to Manifest Positivity into Your Life — Here’s How It Works.

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Let's Talk About colors & Raising Vibrations

Crystals, stones, gemstones, numbers, and colors all have specific vibrations associated with them.

Color rays (like those emitted from rainbows) are far more powerful, pure, and authentic than the colors we see and use every day, but if we understand the everyday colors then we can choose what colors to wear it may not be color rays but we can still get a positive effect 

 uplift our mood

Motivate us 

Inspire us

and more 

Remember Everything in existence has an opposite, and colors are no exception.

Colors have both positive and negative associated with its vibrations, if you're intentional and positive then no worries with negative aspect, if you like i can write a blog on them separately let me know in the comments or email  

but seemingly, how my mission is to raise vibrations, I'll focus on the positive meanings for now.

Let's  start with the Basic Meaning of colors 


Red: Power, persuasion, attention, action, passion, love, adventure, courage, life, health, energy, warmth

Orange: Success, creativity, determination, joy, sexuality, charisma, warmth, freedom, fun, change

Yellow: Happiness, warmth, sunshine, creativity, persuasion, clarity of thought, intellect, positivity, originality, excitement

Blue: Wisdom, knowledge, imagination, freedom, inspiration, loyalty, confidence

Green: Harmony, abundance, fertility, new beginnings, growth, vibrancy, rebirth, health

Black: Elegance, wealth, restraint, power, authority, introspection, reflection

Brown: Earthiness, resilience, dependability, security, welcome, honesty, sincerity

White: Innocence, purity, peace, cleanliness, power, protection, health, completion, wholeness, brilliance, illumination

Pink: Love, caring, nurturing, femininity, affection, friendliness, approachability, inner peace, harmony

Purple: Royalty, intuition, spirituality, nobility, power, luxury, pride, peace, devotion, dignity, wisdom, independence

Grey: Neutrality, balance, calmness, relaxation, formality, conservatism, solidity, steadiness


colors of the rainbow,

colors, not too  different from the basic color  association ,  

The colors of the rainbow, in order,

are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Each color of the rainbow has its own meaning and significance, although interpretations may vary across different cultures and belief systems. Here is a general understanding of the colors in the rainbow:

Red: Red is often associated with energy, passion, and courage. It can symbolize strength, power, and determination. In some cultures, red is also associated with love and romance.

Orange: Orange is commonly associated with warmth, creativity, and enthusiasm. It can represent joy, happiness, and vitality. Orange is often seen as a vibrant and energetic color.

Yellow: Yellow is associated with sunshine, brightness, and optimism. It symbolizes happiness, positivity, and intellectual energy. Yellow can also represent clarity, awareness, and enlightenment.

Green: Green is the color of nature and represents growth, fertility, and harmony. It symbolizes renewal, balance, and abundance. Green is often associated with healing, relaxation, and tranquility.

Blue: Blue is commonly associated with calmness, serenity, and peace. It represents stability, trust, and loyalty. Blue can also evoke feelings of depth, wisdom, and spirituality.

Indigo: Indigo is a deep shade of blue and is often associated with intuition, perception, and spirituality. It represents inner reflection, mysticism, and self-awareness.

Violet: Violet is a color associated with creativity, imagination, and spirituality. It symbolizes transformation, inspiration, and higher consciousness. Violet is often seen as a color of spirituality and individuality.

By the way: It's important to note that color meanings can vary in different cultures and contexts.

Additionally, personal interpretations and associations with colors may differ from person to person.

 the colors gray, white,  turquoise:

A little more detail into the colors that are not considered primary or associated with the rainbow 

  1. Gray: Gray is often associated with neutrality, practicality, and balance. It is seen as a color of compromise, stability, and calmness. Gray can represent sophistication, maturity, and wisdom. It is also associated with practicality, reliability, and professionalism.

  2. White: White is often associated with purity, innocence, and simplicity. It represents light, goodness, and spiritual purity in many cultures. White can convey a sense of cleanliness, clarity, and openness. It is also associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, and a blank canvas. White is commonly used to symbolize peace, tranquility, and spirituality. 

  3. Turquoise: Turquoise is a color that lies between blue and green, resembling the color of the gemstone of the same name. It is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and emotional balance. Turquoise can evoke feelings of serenity, refreshment, and clarity. It is often seen as a color of healing, protection, and communication.Turquoise is also associated with creativity, self-expression, and spiritual grounding. It is commonly used in connection with tropical or oceanic themes. 


  1. Love and Romance: Pink is often seen as a color that represents love, tenderness, and romance. It is commonly associated with affection, compassion, and nurturing qualities. Pink can evoke feelings of sweetness, gentleness, and emotional warmth.

  2. Femininity and Sensitivity: Pink is often associated with femininity and is considered a traditionally "girly" color. It represents qualities such as sensitivity, empathy, and nurturing instincts. Pink is often used to symbolize qualities traditionally associated with women, such as softness, grace, and compassion.

  3. Playfulness and Youthfulness: Pink is frequently associated with playfulness, youthfulness, and innocence. It can evoke a sense of joy, lightheartedness, and a childlike spirit. Pink is often used in contexts related to children, play, and fun.

  4. Calm and Inner Peace: Lighter shades of pink, such as pastel pink, can be associated with calmness, relaxation, and inner peace. It can have a soothing effect on the mind and emotions, promoting a sense of tranquility and harmony.

  5. Positivity and Optimism: Pink is often seen as a positive color that represents optimism, happiness, and positive energy. It can uplift moods and bring about feelings of joy, hope, and enthusiasm.

The colors brown and black

Saving the best for last

Authenticity & Power

the most controversial, but in my opinion the two most beautiful colors 


  1. Earthiness and Stability: Brown is often associated with the earth and the natural world. It represents stability, grounding, and reliability. Brown can convey a sense of security, warmth, and comfort. It is commonly associated with qualities such as practicality, dependability, and simplicity.

  2. Naturalness and Simplicity: Brown is often seen as a color of simplicity and authenticity. It is associated with natural materials like wood, soil, and earth, conveying a sense of organic beauty and rustic charm.

  3. Timelessness and Endurance: Brown is often linked to durability and timelessness. It can symbolize longevity, resilience, and steadfastness. Brown is sometimes associated with a sense of tradition, heritage, and permanence.


  1. Elegance and Sophistication: Black is often associated with elegance, formality, and sophistication. It represents a sense of style, power, and mystery. Black is frequently used in fashion and design to create a sleek and timeless aesthetic.

  2. Authority and Strength: Black is also associated with authority, strength, and power. It can convey a sense of confidence, control, and seriousness. In some contexts, black is used to represent leadership and influence.

Mystery and Depth: Black is often seen as a color of mystery, depth, and the unknown. .

It can evoke a sense of intrigue, introspection, and hidden meanings. Black is associated with the night sky, darkness, and the unseen aspects of life.

The end

Like I always say be intentional:

Starting today, consciously choose your colors to improve your energy. Be wise and remember:

Vibrations from colors affect your aura, mood, and environment.

Positive intention + positive color = a positive mindset, resulting in a higher level of frequency.

Who doesn’t want positive energy?


Contribute to the collective and raise your vibrations.

At CREATIONS BUYUS, we choose colors with positive intention and purpose in mind. Remember, it’s all love—no matter what, my mission remains the same: raising vibrations!

By the way; my friend, thank you for your time I understand its value,  make sure to subscribe for more content like this and to receive our Newsletter also  follow on social media for informative, hilarious, and uplifting content 

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