Complaints Procedure

At Creations BUYUS, we value our customers and are committed to providing exceptional products and services. We understand that occasionally, issues may arise, and your satisfaction is our top priority. We have established a streamlined complaints procedure to ensure prompt resolution and maintain our commitment to your happiness.

How to Submit a Complaint:

  1. Contact Information:

    • Email:
    • Phone: 910-758-1003
    • Contact Name: Crystal Jackson
  2. Submitting a Complaint:

    • If you encounter any issues with our products or services, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible.
    • You can submit your complaint via email or contact us directly at 910-758-1003, and our dedicated Owner, Crystal Jackson, will be available to assist you.
  3. Information Required:

    • To help us efficiently address your concerns, please provide the following information in your complaint:
      • Your full name and contact information.
      • Order number or relevant details related to your purchase.
      • A detailed description of the issue or reason for the complaint.
      • Any supporting documents or images, if applicable.

Complaint Handling Process:

  1. Acknowledgment:

    • Once we receive your complaint, we will promptly acknowledge its receipt. We strive to respond within 24-48 hours after receiving your complaint.
  2. Investigation:

    • Our customer support team, led by Crystal Jackson, will thoroughly investigate the issue and work diligently to understand its nature and root cause.
  3. Resolution:

    • We are committed to resolving complaints as quickly as possible. If a resolution can be achieved immediately, we will notify you of the outcome and any necessary actions taken.
    • If the complaint requires further investigation or resolution, we will keep you informed throughout the process.
  4. Timely Updates:

    • During the resolution process, we will provide regular updates on the progress of your complaint, ensuring you are aware of the steps being taken to address your concerns.
  5. Final Response:

    • Once the complaint is resolved, we will send you a final response detailing the outcome and any actions taken to rectify the situation.

Customer Satisfaction:

At Creations BUYUS, your satisfaction is paramount. We take all complaints seriously and treat each one as an opportunity to improve our products and services. Rest assured that our goal is to resolve your complaint in a fair, efficient, and courteous manner.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our complaint's procedure, please don't hesitate to contact Crystal Jackson at or call 910-760-9491.

Thank you for choosing Creations BUYUS. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to serving you with excellence.